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  • Looking for an innovative partner to manage your rental property? At Geo, we are creating a new way to capitalise on your valuable rental property without the hassle of managing, renting, and sourcing tenants.

    Geo provides a turnkey, seamless, proven way to sit back and collect rent each month.

    The average time that Geo takes to rent a property is 7 days…

    And we’ll furnish it, market it, and take care of repairs, tenant questions and all the paperwork. Ask yourself – what is my time worth and how can I avoid the perils and pitfalls of being a landlord in 2024.

    Interested? Let’s have a further conversation.

    Reach out to us below and we’ll send you our full property owner package. It will be worth your time, we promise.

  • We’d like to buy you a coffee. At Geo, we are very interested in working with developers who are passionate about ROI and breaking new ground.

    Looking to put some of the units into a rental pool? We can make that happen in a seamless and painless manner. It’s a bit of a red ocean out there right now and we know how to create a “blue ocean” for developers and property owners to swim in.

    Interested? Drop us a line and we’ll send you our information package and buy you that coffee.

Get In Touch.