Living Outside the Box.

Humans need community for our emotional health.
We need connection and a sense of belonging.
We are not built to thrive in isolation.

— Ann Napolitano

Meet Geo.

Geo is white glove service, style, art and light, neighborhoods, and experiences for those who need to feel at “home” wherever they are.

A Life Well Lived.

Geo is a collection of curated short term rental properties, a community of curious and committed nomads, inspired events and gatherings and engaging interactions and conversations with the city.

Geo is not for everyone, but rather for those who understand that we all curate our lives, and that how we live our best life is unique and different for all of us.

We provide curated, rental living opportunities in unique urban locations.

  • Supported by white glove service

  • Entrée to member only arts and cultural events and activities

  • Access to insider information and a dynamic community of like-minded individuals

  • The city on your doorstep

At Geo, we know that short term renting can be:

  • A blurb about peaceful.

  • A blurb about engaging.

  • A blurb about thoughtful.

  • A blurb about satisfying.

  • A blurb about intriguing

  • a reflection your own personal style!

Our Manifesto

We believe that everyone who rents by choice deserves a unique and inspirational place to call home, even if it’s just for a short period of time.

And, that everyone deserves to live their best life however they define “home”.

We are dedicated to building a unique urban ecosystem that delivers curated living, community engagement and unusual spaces to experience and enjoy.

We invite you to come explore everything Geo!

Coming Soon

Looking for more information?


    Sign up for our mailing list and you’ll get an early look at properties coming on stream.

  • Looking for an innovative partner to manage your rental property? At Geo, we are creating a new way to capitalise on your valuable rental property without the hassle of managing, renting, and sourcing tenants.

    Geo provides a turnkey, seamless, proven way to sit back and collect rent each month.

    The average time that Geo takes to rent a property is 7 days…

    And we’ll furnish it, market it, and take care of repairs, tenant questions and all the paperwork. Ask yourself – what is my time worth and how can I avoid the perils and pitfalls of being a landlord in 2024.

    Interested? Let’s have a further conversation.

    Reach out to us below and we’ll send you our full property owner package. It will be worth your time, we promise.

  • We’d like to buy you a coffee. At Geo, we are very interested in working with developers who are passionate about ROI and breaking new ground.

    Looking to put some of the units into a rental pool? We can make that happen in a seamless and painless manner. It’s a bit of a red ocean out there right now and we know how to create a “blue ocean” for developers and property owners to swim in.

    Interested? Drop us a line and we’ll send you our information package and buy you that coffee.